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The Ultimate List Of Companion Plants For A Healthy Garden

The Ultimate List of Companion Plants for a Healthy Garden


Companion planting is a gardening practice that involves planting different types of plants together to benefit each other. There are many different benefits to companion planting, including:

  • Increased crop yields
  • Improved plant health
  • Reduced pest and disease problems
  • Increased biodiversity

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There are many different companion plants that can be used in the garden. Some of the most popular companion plants include:

  • Tomatoes and basil: Basil repels thrips, whiteflies, and other pests that can damage tomatoes. It also improves the flavor of tomatoes.
  • Cucumbers and nasturtiums: Nasturtiums attract aphids, which can help to keep them away from cucumbers. They also improve the flavor of cucumbers.
  • Carrots and onions: Onions repel carrot flies, which can damage carrots. They also help to improve the flavor of carrots.
  • Beans and peas: Beans and peas fix nitrogen in the soil, which can benefit other plants in the garden. They also help to suppress weeds.
  • Lettuce and marigolds: Marigolds repel aphids, which can damage lettuce. They also help to improve the flavor of lettuce.


Companion planting is a great way to improve the health and productivity of your garden. By planting different types of plants together, you can help to attract beneficial insects, repel pests, and improve the flavor of your crops.

Here are some additional tips for companion planting:

  • Consider the plant's height, spread, and light requirements when choosing companion plants.
  • Plant companion plants that have similar water and nutrient needs.
  • Avoid planting plants that are known to compete with each other.
  • Experiment with different companion plants to see what works best in your garden.

With a little planning, you can create a healthy and productive garden using companion planting.

For more information about companion plants, visit Garden Wiki.

FAQ of list of companion plants

  • What are companion plants?

Companion plants are plants that are grown together in order to benefit each other. They can help to improve soil quality, attract beneficial insects, deter pests, and improve the flavor of fruits and vegetables.

  • What are some good companion plants?

Here are some of the most popular companion plants:

* Carrots and leeks: These two plants help to repel each other's pests.
* Beans and corn: Beans fix nitrogen in the soil, which benefits the corn.
* Marigolds and tomatoes: Marigolds help to deter tomato hornworms.
* Basil and tomatoes: Basil helps to improve the flavor of tomatoes.
* Nasturtiums and cabbage: Nasturtiums help to deter cabbage moths.
  • How do I choose companion plants?

When choosing companion plants, it is important to consider the needs of each plant. For example, some plants prefer full sun, while others prefer partial shade. Some plants are heavy feeders, while others are more drought-tolerant. It is also important to consider the pests and diseases that are common in your area.

  • Where can I find more information about companion planting?

There are many resources available to learn more about companion planting. Here are a few suggestions:

* The Companion Planting Chart: This chart lists common garden plants and their companion plants.
* The Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Plants: This book provides detailed information about the benefits of companion planting.
* The Gardener's Companion: This website offers articles and resources on companion planting.

Image of list of companion plants

  • Tomatoes and basil: Basil repels certain insect pests such as thrips and also disorientates moths which lay tomato hornworms.
  • Cucumbers and nasturtiums: Nasturtiums attract beneficial insects that help to control cucumber pests.
  • Peas and carrots: Peas fix nitrogen in the soil, which benefits carrots.
  • Beans and corn: Beans fix nitrogen in the soil, which benefits corn. Corn provides shade for beans, which helps to prevent them from bolting.
  • Lettuce and marigolds: Marigolds repel nematodes, which can damage lettuce roots.
  • Potatoes and onions: Onions repel potato beetles.
  • Spinach and chives: Chives repel aphids, which can damage spinach leaves.
  • Herbs and flowers: Many herbs and flowers can be companion plants, as they attract beneficial insects and repel pests. Some examples include lavender, mint, and yarrow.
  • Fruit trees and berry bushes: Fruit trees and berry bushes can be planted together to attract pollinators and provide a variety of fruits and berries.

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